No matter your past or what you’ve been through, you have a place at Journey. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus chose the broken, imperfect, sick, and lost to be his followers. Journey is made up of flawed and imperfect people who have found belonging with Jesus. If you know you don’t have it all together, you’ll find family here.
9:00 | 10:30

13700 W 151st St.
Olathe, KS 66062

Whether you grew up going to church or you’ve never stepped foot in one, being in a new environment isn’t always fun. Where do I go? What do I wear? Hopefully the info below will help, but if you have questions, reach out to info@journeybible.org, and we’d love to walk you through a Sunday!
The short answer is whatever you feel comfortable in. Most come in casual clothes like jeans, joggers and hoodies, but some people like to dress up and wear a button down shirt or a skirt. It’s totally up to you. What you wear doesn’t matter to Jesus.
The only thing you have to bring is yourself or your family! We are a Bible church, so you will find a number of folks bring their Bibles or have digital versions on their phones. Others bring journals, too.
We have comfortable chairs laid out in aisles. If you are early, you’ll probably find lots of people chatting and visiting. Once service starts, there will be a welcome and music from a live band, followed by a message from one of our pastors. Services typically last about one hour and end with a final song and encouragement for you. Sometimes we celebrate communion together, but it’s not part of every Sunday.
If you’re more of a traditionalist, you may want to try our Traditional Service. This takes place at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall at Journey Central. You’ll experience a simple piano playing hymns, and then the sermon from the main worship service broadcast on a screen.
Our services last about an hour. Depending on how much time you have, you can visit the prayer room, grab coffee from the Coffee Spot or pop into the Traditional Service (a simpler service with just a piano) that takes place at 10:30am.
Most definitely! When you walk through the front door, you’ll find a Journey Kids check-in area. At our Central campus, Journey Kids is available at 9:00 and 10:30. West Campus has pre-school classrooms open during the 9:30 service, and all kids ministry at 11. When your kids participate in these classes for the first time, there will be a short form to fill out so we have your contact information and can ensure your kids are safely in the right spot. To learn more about Journey Kids, Jr., or Journey Kids, click here.
If you have a Middle or High School student, they are part of Journey Students. On Sundays, bring them at 9:00am when we have a Bible Study just for them. Middle School students meet in the Warehouse (a separate area to the right of the Auditorium) and High School students meet upstairs in Room 218.
Journey Students also can attend Wednesday Nights, our mid-week gathering where they have their own worship service, message and small group break-outs. This is from 6:30-8:10pm. To learn more about Journey Students, click here.
If you are new, we would love for you to arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can stop by the Connect Center. We have a gift for you, can answer questions and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee before service.
When you drive up to Journey Bible Church, you may notice we have two parking lots: one in the front and one in the back. You’ll want to park up front where we have several rows of VIP parking just for visitors.
Walk through the front door and about halfway into the foyer, you’ll see our Connect Center on your right. We have greeters there to answer questions, point you in the right direction and give you a little something from us.
Continue straight ahead through the wooden doors into the Auditorium. From there, grab a seat that suits your fancy.
Journey Kids is all about bringing Jesus to kids and bringing families together. Our desire is to come alongside families as they grow to learn who Jesus is and how much He loves them!
Journey Kids meets Sunday mornings at 9 and 10:30. Birth-PreK meets downstairs right off the main lobby, K-5th meets in the upstairs hallways.
Journey students is a community-centric ministry that is focused on knowing Jesus deeply, building lasting Christ-centered friendships, and learning how to be a Christian who loves sacrificially and courageously engages the world.
The student ministry is for 6th-12th grades and meets Sunday mornings at 9 for Bible Study (MS Only) and Wednesday nights at 6:30 for 6-12 worship and small groups!