Celebrate Recovery exists to help people find hope, healing, and freedom in Jesus. We are committed to creating an environment that is safe for anyone in the community or our own church body. Celebrate Recovery is not just for people with addictions–it is for anyone who is dealing with a “hurt, hang-up, or habit” that is interfering with their relationship with God and others. We can’t wait for you to join us on the journey to recovery!

Hosted by Journey Bible Church, The Landing is a teen support ministry designed to help students find freedom, healing, and wellbeing through a foundation in God. Meeting every Friday from 7-9 PM, it provides a safe space for teens to discuss hurts, habits, and hang-ups while learning to make wise choices and develop healthy life patterns.
This program features age-appropriate Celebrate Recovery lessons, aligning with the adult sessions held simultaneously, allowing families to grow closer to God together.

13700 W 151ST STREET
OLATHE, KS 66062
6pm - Meal
7pm - Large Group
8pm - Open Share Groups
9pm - Solid Rock Cafe

Celebrate Recovery is for anyone who is struggling on the journey of life. If you have ever had a hurt, a hang-up in life, an addiction, then this ministry is for you.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christian based 12 step recovery program focused on helping people find healing from their hurts, hang-ups, and habits that are interfering with their relationship with God and others.
We ARE: A safe place, a place of belonging, where we treat each other with dignity and respect regardless of the issues we are working on, where your confidentiality is protected, where you will find a community of people who care for one another, a place where you and your family can take off your mask, a place of vulnerability and authenticity, a place where you can find healing.
We ARE NOT: A place for secrets, a place for judging others, a place to rescue or be rescued by others, a place for dating relationships, a place where people have it all together, a place to offer unsolicited advice, a place that offers a quick fix.
Yes. We offer childcare for Pre-K and under and we offer Celebration Place for Kindergarten-5th Grade. You will be required to check your kids in and out for their safety, but you do not need to register before coming. We ask for a suggested donation of $5 for one child or $10/family. For more info or questions, email Kristen at leahh@journeybible.org.
Yes, we are excited to announce the launch of the Landing a teen support ministry meeting every Friday night from 7-9pm.
This program features age-appropriate Celebrate Recovery lessons, aligning with the adult sessions held simultaneously, allowing families to grow closer to God together.
You can expect to be welcomed by a community of fellow strugglers, who are on the same journey that you are on. Our issues and our struggles may look different, but we are one family. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place where you can come as you are.
It is not required to attend all 4 hours on a Friday night. We realize that everyone’s situation looks different. We do encourage you to attend as much of the evening as possible.
There is no cost to attend Celebrate Recovery meetings. We do offer a meal on Friday evenings from 6:00-6:45pm. There is a small fee if you would like to purchase food. Free-will offerings are received during the large group time, but there is no obligation to give. Workbooks and other resources are utilized in the step study groups offered at other times outside of the Friday night meetings and are available for purchase.
The chips are simple, round plastic coins that are designed to give each person an opportunity to mark their individual recovery. If you don’t have an addiction that can be marked by sobriety easily, then we suggest you mark your journey from the day you pick up the blue chip, which is the first chip marking surrender in your life.
An accountability partner is like a teammate who is on the road with you in life. This person will be one for you to call and check-in with periodically. They encourage you in your recovery and walk with you on the road to recovery.
A sponsor is like a coach who has already completed the recovery process. You check in with your sponsor on a regular basis and they help guide you through the recovery process.
Accountability partners and sponsors are to be the same gender as you.
In physical health, recovery refers to the process of moving from illness to wellness. Our hurts, hang-ups, and habits are like an illness, and through using the tools of Celebrate Recovery, we begin to move toward wholeness and healing.
Celebrate Recovery offers a person the opportunity to participate in group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives.
Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?
Is there something I wish I could live without?
Is it time to admit I am not in control of my life?
Do I have a painful hang-up or habit from which I need to be freed?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions,
we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting.
Phone: (913) 268-0156
Phone: 988
Phone: (913) 826-4200
Designed to walk you step by step through the recovery process.
365 daily readings to reinforce lasting change.
Workbooks used to work through the 12-steps in a Celebrate Recovery step study group.
A practical tool that walks through the eight recovery principles to help us deal with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits.